Food for Thought – Are Acai Bowls Healthy?

Acai Bowls

Healthy Choice or dessert in disguise?

Acai Bowl with Breakfast

Açaí (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) bowls have recently been propelled into health and wellness popularity since being categorized as a superfood and has become a staple in the meal plans of many because of their flavor and perceived health benefits.

Although new to some, the Açaí berry dates back to indigenous tribes of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The small fruit solidified its place as a staple in the diet due to its high nutritional value and antioxidant properties.

What’s in an Açaí bowl?

In addition to an abundance of antioxidants, the Açaí berries are also full of healthy fats, potassium, calcium, omega 3, omega 6, and vitamins B1 and B6. All of these nutrients can play an important role in overall health. As outlined in a 2022 Nutrients review study, Açaí berries can provide nutritional and health support to the gut, kidneys, heart, liver and nervous system. In addition, consuming the berries may help manage blood sugar levels, lower blood cholesterol, and may have antimicrobial properties.

Açaí: A Dessert in Disguise?

Although the Açaí berries are bountiful in nutrients, some commercial products and the toppings tend to contain a lot of artificial syrup and added sugars, which can also lead to overconsumption of empty calories. High sugar consumption has been shown to cause negative effects on human health and in excess, sugars can have an impact on obesity and diabetes. Also, the effects of added sugar intake – higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease – are all linked to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke.

Building a Healthier Bowl

Limit added sugar

Opt for fresh fruit, unsweetened toppings such as coconuts and dark chocolate, and no-sugar added granola. If purchasing at a café, ask for just the base and top with your own toppings at home. This way you are able to not only control the added sugar but the calories as well.

Acai Bowls with Limited Sugar

Be mindful of calories and fat

Choose healthy fats like nuts, nut butter, chia seeds, flax seeds or hemp seeds. Avoid dessert-like toppings, like Nutella. As a note, while nut butters may be considered a healthier choice, be mindful of the amount added, usually no more than 2 tablespoons, to avoid overconsuming calories from fat.

Acai Bowls Calories

Add protein and fiber

Choosing nutritious and satisfying ingredients can increase the nutritional value of açaí bowls and prevent the consumption of too many calories later in the day. To increase nutrient density, consider adding a protein such as Greek Yogurt to the base and toppings such as chia seeds or flaxseeds.

Acai Bowl with Protein

– Dana Gardner, Registered Dietitian, MS, LD/N

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