Free Resources
Whether you are attempting to quit tobacco for the first time or the last time, the following free resources will help you achieve your goal. Participate in one-on-one coaching, receive free tobacco cessation products (patches, gum, and lozenges), or attend a support group online or in-person.

Resources for GatorCare Members
Tobacco Cessation Products and Medications
To help you quit, GatorCare covers certain tobacco cessation products and medications at 100%.* The products and medication covered under any GatorCare health plan include:
- Nicotine replacement therapy such as patches, gum, lozenges, spray, and inhalers
- Oral medications such as varenicline and bupropion SR.
GatorCare covers these products for up to 180 days of therapy per benefit year. Additional fills beyond 180 days per calendar year will follow benefit and formulary coverage guidelines. A prescription is required to receive this benefit. Please see your medical provider to obtain a prescription.
*For a full list of tobacco cessation medications covered at 100% for GatorCare members, please view the Pharmacy Look-up Tool. Eligible products and medications will be labeled with the following:

For questions regarding this benefit, email us at
Tobacco Cessation Community Resources
University of Florida Area Health Education Centers (AHEC)
Looking to quit nicotine use of any kind – vaping, hookah, tobacco, cigarettes, or cigars? The UF Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program, in partnership with Tobacco Free Florida, offers FREE tobacco cessation classes to help you quit. Each group is led by a tobacco treatment specialist who helps you develop a quit plan, identify triggers, and brainstorm coping strategies. Participate in a one-time, two-hour Tools to Quit class or a recurring four-week, one-hour Quit Smoking Now class and receive up to four weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum, and/or lozenges). Classes are open to the public and available both in-person and online. Visit UF AHEC to sign up for your class.
Florida AHEC Network
Find a tobacco cessation program near you. The Florida Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Network consists of 10 centers throughout the state of Florida providing health professional education and support, including free tobacco cessation services. Click on your county under “centers by county” to learn more about programs near you.
Tobacco Free Florida
Tobacco Free Florida offers free smoking cessation programs such as Phone Quit, three one-on-one calls with a coach to help you create a personalized quit plan and start your quit journey (if medically appropriate for individuals 18 years or older), and Web Quit, which offers access to live coach support via text and chat, and automated text support. For additional tools and information, visit Tobacco Free Florida.
More Information
Electronic Cigarettes- What’s the Bottom Line?
Vaping Information for Parents, Educators, and Health Care Providers