
Check on your wellness with an in-person screening (Gainesville or Leesburg) or online assessment focusing on one of the Windows to Wellness. To schedule an in-person screening for yourself or your workplace, email

3300 SW Williston Rd.
Gainesville, FL 32608

550 E Dixie Ave.
Leesburg, FL 34748

In-Person Screenings


Body Composition

Learn your weight, BMI, body fat percentage, and hydration levels. After the screening, meet with a health educator to review your results and learn how to meet your goals.

clear glass scale, three green apples, two pink dumbbells, and two pairs of running shoes sitting on wooden floor


Blood Pressure

Learn your blood pressure numbers and meet with a health educator to review your results and discuss lifestyle changes that can help maintain or improve your numbers.

heart encircled by stethoscope

Virtual Screenings

overall wellbeing

Wellness in Eight Dimensions

Discover your strengths and current level of functioning in eight dimensions of wellness. Discover habits you currently have as well as habits that you would like to develop to achieve your wellness goals.

wellness in eight dimensions assessment logo


Implicit Association Test

Harvard offers free online Implicit Association Tests (IATs) on a range of topics including religion, weight, disability, race, and sexuality. Learn about your attitudes or beliefs towards different groups and topics.

women walking down the street in diverse garb of different ethnicities