Sleep, Dream, Recharge
Sleep, like nutrition and physical activity, is a critical component of health and well-being. Insufficient sleep and poor sleep quality have been associated with numerous chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Those who get enough sleep typically have better weight control, more energy, and a stronger immune system. Explore these resources below to learn more about your sleep health.

Learn the Basics
Circadian Rhythm and Sleep
Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are regulated by the body’s internal clock and signal when it’s time to sleep and wake up. Learn more in this short TED-Ed video!

Sleep Stages
Your body goes through 4 stages as you sleep. Join sleep scientist Matt Walker as he discusses each sleep stage in this short TED video!

Sleep Benefits
Prioritize getting enough sleep every night since sleep has several benefits, including stress reduction and mood improvement. Explore more sleep benefits below.

During sleep, dreams can occur in the form of images, thoughts, and feelings. People typically dream for about 2 hours every night. Learn more by visiting the Sleep Foundation‘s website.

Sleep Amount Recommendations
Adults 18+ should receive at least 7 hours of sleep. Use the American Academy of Sleep Medicine’s bedtime calculator to determine what time to go to bed based on your age and wake-up time.

Tips for A Better Night Sleep
Disconnecting from electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bed can help you sleep better. Read about other ways you can improve your sleep below!

Expand Your Knowledge
Peaceful ZZZs Sleep Program
The Peaceful ZZZs Sleep Program is designed to give you everything you need to improve your sleep quality and quantity. View the educational webinar and fill out your own personalized sleep journal to start getting your peaceful ZZZs!

Goodnight Gators
The Good Night Gators Program consists of 1 presentation where you learn about the health effects of sleep and sleep deprivation and receive tips and resources on how to establish healthier sleep habits.

Sleep Well
Lauren Arce, Nurse Coordinator at Shands Arts in Medicine, dives into sleep essentials, including insufficient sleep syndrome, dreams, the stages of sleep, the health consequences of sleeplessness, and sleep hygiene recommendations.

Sleep Problems: Emotional and Physical Wellbeing
Dr. Khurshid is a psychiatrist, board-certified in sleep medicine. Dr. Khurshid presents on the bi-directional relationships between sleep problems and medical or psychiatric conditions. He presents common medical conditions that can have a causal relationship on poor sleep, and tips for improving sleep hygiene.

Healthy Sleep: Guidelines for Improved Sleep Quality
Clinical Psychologist Jessica Payne-Murphy with the UF Insomnia and Behavioral Sleep Medicine Clinic presents evidence-based approaches to improving your slumber. Dr. Murphy breaks down the 3P model of insomnia and presents cognitive-behavioral techniques for breaking the cycle of poor sleep habits.

Practice Healthy Sleep Behaviors

Sleep Toolkit
Our daily behaviors affect how we sleep each night. The best way to understand the relationship between your lifestyle choices and your quality of sleep is to write it down. Use this toolkit to help you select a few healthy sleep strategies to implement in your own life and assess how they affect your quality and quantity of sleep. Access your own personalized sleep log and start to get your peaceful ZZZs on!
Sleep Challenge
GatorCare presents a 28-day, self-paced sleep challenge for improving your sleep habits. Take a sleep self-assessment and receive tips for improving your sleep hygiene.

Color Breathing
Color breathing is a simple stress-relieving activity that involves visualizing your breath. Color breathing exercises may help you relax before bedtime and prepare for sleep. Follow this guide to help you get started!

Food and Sleep
Food can affect how you sleep at night. It is best to avoid spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, and foods that are high in fat or simple carbohydrates. However, you don’t have to give up late night snacking for good! Instead, eat low-fat yogurt with berries or peanut butter with whole-grain crackers. Explore this resource to get some other delicious snacking ideas that won’t cost you a great night’s sleep.

Pink Noise Playlist
Ever heard of a white noise machine? If you have, you probably know that white noise can help you fall asleep. Similarly to white noise, a lesser known sound called pink noise has been linked to better quality sleep. Pink noise is often described as pleasant-sounding because of its low frequency and balanced sound. You can hear pink noise in nature in rain, wind, waterfalls, and even ocean waves.

Binaural Soundwave Playlist
Binaural soundwaves are a perception of sound created by your brain. Preliminary studies have shown listening to binaural soundwaves can help you fall asleep as well as improve your quality of stage N3 sleep, better known as deep sleep.

Know the Resources
UF Health Sleep Center
The UF Health Sleep Center provides diagnosis and treatment for a variety of sleep disorders in adults and children. View their website for more information about a variety of sleep disorders and their treatment options.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The CDC aims to raise awareness about the impact of poor sleep quality, sleep disorders, and the importance of sleep. Check out the CDC’s website for sleep information, facts, infographics, and podcasts.

Sleep Foundation
The Sleep Foundation presents information about sleep hygiene, insomnia, dreams, snoring, finding the best mattress, and more information reviewed by field experts.