Waste Less Gainesville

A Guide to Greener Living

Did you know that the average American generates almost 5 pounds of garbage each day, one pound of which is food waste? If you would like to reduce your waste but aren't sure how, start here! Everything from clothing scraps to coffee grounds can be recycled thanks to these local organizations and you.

Green recycling logo

Reduce Your Waste

The Repurpose Project

The Repurpose Project is a combination arts center and thrift store. Get inspired to create original art from salvageable materials. Not feeling artsy? Donate supplies for others to create reclaimed art—spare buttons, colorful plastic bags, scrap wood, and more.

The Repurpose Project Logo

The Refillery

Reduce your household waste by shopping at this low-waste store. Products are packaged via sterilized donated jars and other reusable items. Cleaning supplies, shampoo, pet food, people food, and more are available for online orders or in-store purchase.

logo for Life Unplastic store

Zero Waste Challenge

Want to reduce your household waste, but not sure where to start? Utilize this resource to track your garbage, notice a trend, and make adaptations! Available for single-use plastics, food waste, and clothing.

Zero Waste Challenge Logo

50 Tips for Zero Waste Living

We did the legwork for you and found these simple yet effective ways to go zero waste. Beyond reusable grocery bags and water bottles, it’s time to go eco-friendly across all areas. Let’s get started!

Hands holding dirt and a small plant with light bulb

Clothing Recycling


We often donate our wearable clothing to thrift stores, but what about worn-out socks, torn t-shirts, and other fabric scraps? Fortunately, H&M accepts fabric donations of all kinds! Unwearable items are re-purposed into new clothing or even insulation materials. Learn more. . .

Let’s Compost

Food Waste Pilot Program

The program is now full, but get excited about this pilot program from the city of Gainesville to bring compost pick-up to homes at no cost! Show support for this program by signing up for the waitlist.

City of Gainesville Logo

Keep Learning

EPA Greener Living

What better entity to educate us regarding living sustainably than the EPA? Learn about environmental justice, electronics management, and more.

EPA logo