Enjoy one of the following recorded presentations on topics ranging from COVID-19 to migraines and transgender care to diabetes. Use the navigation buttons to jump down to an area of interest. Presentations are provided by UF Health Wellness University, Florida Blue Better You, Employee Wellness Jacksonville, and GatorCare.
General Wellness
Cycle Wise
Learn about the female hormone cycle and gain knowledge about hormonal health and natural biological rhythms. This session provides insights into each phase of the cycle, offering tips and strategies for managing symptoms and optimizing well-being.

uf health wellness university
Improving your health: Where do I begin?
If you are like most people, you think about improving your health but aren’t sure how to get started. Your family doctor might be the key to improving your lifestyle.
uf health wellness university
Tips for Better Sleep for Kids and Teens
Learn about the effects lack of sleep may have on kids and teens and solutions to help all of us keep a more normal, healthy sleep schedule.
employee wellness jacksonville
Heart Health
Explore 6 webinars on reducing your risk of heart disease through healthy habits, nutrition, medication, and lifestyle choices. Learn techniques for addressing high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and other risk factors for heart disease and stroke.
uf health wellness university
COVID-19 Vaccine Town Hall
How do the COVID-19 vaccines work, who should get vaccinated, what are the benefits and potential side effects, and how long can a vaccine protect you? Help create your family’s vaccination plan and feel confident in reconnecting with loved ones.
uf health wellness university
COVID-19 Vaccine: Important Facts
As a trusted healthcare partner, UF Health is doing its part to educate the community and answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Learn who should get it, how it works, what are potential side effects, how long it may protect us and more.
Pain Management
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Explore the Pain Pathway
Watch this 4-part series on understanding chronic pain, managing it with lifestyle changes, and pharmaceutical interventions.
uf health wellness university
Spine 101: Tips for a Healthy Back
Dr. Sein discusses things you can do to ease the pain and discomfort as well as prevent back pain in the future.
Special Topics
employee wellness jacksonville
Diabetes University
View these 45-minute presentations to learn more about living with diabetes. Topics include medication management, nutrition for diabetes, lifestyle modification, and more.
uf health wellness university
Let’s Talk Transgender Health
UF Health is committed to offering an affirming and welcoming place for all persons. Hear from members of the UF Health Transgender Health team as they give an informative talk about transgender health.
uf health wellness university
Migraine Myths & Management
Migraines are often misunderstood, undertreated and stigmatized, but you can manage them and find relief. Watch this webinar by Dr. Orlova, UF Health migraine specialist.
florida blue better you
Skin Health
Learn about common skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, and acne, as well as nutrition and skin-care techniques for maximizing skin health.