Free Diabetes Test Strips

GatorCare Members Only

Free Test Strips

All GatorCare members diagnosed with type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes, may be eligible to receive test strips AT NO COST!


Preferred Contour® Brand Test Strips are Free!

Who: ALL GatorCare members with a diagnosis of diabetes, including gestational diabetes.

What: Contour® and Contour® Next test strips previously covered at the Formulary Tier 2 level are now covered at the Tier 0 level. These Contour and Contour Next test strips no longer have a coinsurance or are subject to the calendar year pharmacy deductible WHEN filled with a prescription at an in-network pharmacy. See Pharmacy Benefits for more details on Formulary Tiers.

When: As of January 1, 2023.

How: All you need to do is fill a prescription from your health care provider for Contour or Contour Next test strips. You DO NOT need to sign up to receive this benefit.

Where: Fill the prescription at any pharmacy within the Prime Therapeutics Management Network. This includes many retail and chain pharmacies including Walgreens, CVS, Publix, Target, Walmart, Kroger, Winn-Dixie, etc. as well as UF Health pharmacies and UF Student Health Care Center.

Eligible Test Strips: Contour® or Contour® Next

  • View the Formulary Look-Up Tool to see which test strips are preferred brand (Tier 2) for GatorCare.
    • After navigating to the Look-Up Tool, type ‘test strips’ or the name of the test strips on the left hand side in the Drug Name Search field. After several seconds, possible matches will appear under the Drug name Search field. Click the item you are looking for. All matches for that item will be listed in the middle of the screen under Drug Details including the tier to which the drug is offered through the GatorCare formulary.

GatorCare Only

Free Meter Program

GatorCare members, including covered spouses and dependents, may be eligible to receive a free Contour Next meter shipped directly to their home. No prescription required! Click the button to learn how.


Do I need to sign up to receive the test strips for free?

No, you do not need to sign up in order to receive the test strips at no cost. You will just need to fill a prescription for test strips at the pharmacy like you would any other medication.

What do I need to do to get my test strips for free?

You will need to have your health care provider write you a prescription for Contour® or Contour® test strips. Fill the prescription at any UF Health pharmacy or the pharmacy you ordinarily fill your medications.

Can I purchase the test strips at the store and submit my receipts for reimbursement?

No, you will need to fill a prescription through the pharmacy in order to receive the diabetes test strips at no cost.

What pharmacy can I get my test strips at for free?

You can use any pharmacy that is within the Prime Therapeutics network to fill your test strip prescription. This includes more than 60,000 retail pharmacies and major chains such as, Walgreens, CVS, Publix, Target, Walmart, Kroger, Winn-Dixie, etc. and UF Health pharmacies in Gainesville and Jacksonville and UF Student Health Care Center. To verify a pharmacy is in network of find a pharmacy, visit or call customer customer service at 800.651.8921.

My pharmacy is telling me that I have to pay. What should I do?

  1. Ensure with the pharmacy that the prescription is for Contour® or Contour® Next test strips only.
  2. Ask the pharmacy to contact Prime to help identify the problem since the strips should be no cost.

Which Contour® brand test strips are compatible with my meter?

View this guide to see which Contour® test strips are compatible with which Contour® meters.

Are lancets included for free?

No. Lancets are not included in this benefit change and would result in a member cost share. Please refer to the GatorCare Formulary Look-up Tool to find view the lancet benefit.


Contact us at if you need further assistance.