Recipe for Health

Nutrition is a huge component of our physical wellness and a big player in our risk for chronic conditions like prediabetes, diabetes, hypertension, and more. This quarter provides resources and encouragement to make healthier nutrition choices and take steps to prevent or manage prediabetes or diabetes. Join us in this journey as we ‘pursue a healthier chew!’


  • Pursue a Healthier Chew Challenge: Begins October 11, registration extended to October 13
  • Fall Walking Challenge: Begins November 16, teams due November 10
  • Healthier Holiday Season email series: Begins November 19

Recipe for Health Logo

Wellness Wednesdays

First Wednesday of each month

Bring your lunch to the UF HR Building (903 West University Ave.) the first Wednesday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. for presentations on nutrition this October, November and December.

Oct. 7, Fall Vegetable Gardening in Raised Beds, Aparna Gazula, PhD

Nov. 4, Prevent Diabetes STAT: Screen Test Act Today, Kathryn Parker, RD, LD/N, check out this screening tool to determine your risk for developing type II diabetes

Dec.2, Your Perfect Guide to a Healthy Weight: Eating Plan? Or Eat with Wisdom? Karin Kratina, PhD, RD, LD/N

To register, log in to myTraining (open to both UF and UF Health employees) and search for the courses listed. Or email to sign up for the live stream.

Field and Fork

Join the Field and Fork Campus Food Program this fall for a series of workshops on personal finance, cooking matters, and nutrition demos. For more information, visit the Field and Fork website.

Campus Healthy Food Highlights

Did you know anyone can get an inexpensive and healthy meal at Gator Dining Corner on game days? Were you aware that you could purchase local, USDA grade cuts of meat right here on campus? Check out this compilation of healthy food hotspots for an insider scoop.

Healthier Meeting Menus

Fuel your next meeting with healthier options! Get the pledge and handbook today!

inControl Diabetes Program (GatorCare members only)

Registration begins in November

Get ‘in control’ of your diabetes! Participate in this seven month program to learn how to slow the progression of diabetes through proper nutrition, exercise and medication, develop healthy behaviors to prevent potential complications and engage with your physicians to ensure proper management. Enrollment begins in November so act today! Visit the GatorCare Diabetes page for more information.

Fall Walking Challenge

Challenge begins November 16; Team registration due by November 10

This is one you won’t want to miss! Form a team of 2-20 employees. Designate a team captain. Give yourselves a creative name. And get moving! The challenge will run for four weeks. Registration runs November 2-10 and the challenge begins November 16. Participants must supply their own tracking device (pedometer, FitBit or wearable, phone apps). Review the Overview page for more information and instructions on registering your team.

Have a Healthier Holiday Season

Emails begin November 19

Did you know the average American gains 2-3 pounds during the holiday season? With the abundance of comfort foods, the stress of the impending holidays, and less than normal activity levels, the added weight comes as no surprise. Have a healthier holiday season by signing up for the Healthier Holiday Season email list. Receive weekly emails for four weeks in November and December. To sign up, email GatorCare Health Educator Holly Davis.

Pursue a Healthier Chew Challenge

Challenge begins October 11; Registration extended to October 13

Create healthier nutrition habits this fall! Participate in the Pursue a Healthier Chew Challenge this October to tweak your current eating habits. This four week pursuit challenges you to choose three days each week to focus on one specific nutrition tweak. Each day of the week is associated with a different healthy eating theme:

Set Up Sunday: Meal prep for the week
Meatless Monday: Go meatless for the entire day
Taste the Rainbow Tuesday: Eat four different colored fruits and vegetables
Whole Grain Wednesday: Swap refined grains for whole grains
Thoughtful Thursday: Slow down and practice mindful eating
Fry-less Friday: Steer clear of fried foods
Sugar Free Saturday: Refrain from eating added sugar

Participants will receive weekly emails with recipes and tips that correlate with each day’s focus. At the end of the month, participants will submit their completed calendar, along with two recipes they made or created during the challenge to be entered into a prize drawing! All recipes will be compiled into an employee cookbook at the end of the challenge.

To register, email GatorCare Health Educator Holly Davis.